

To advance our mission and serve our institutions, we provide valuable services for administration, faculty, students, and friends of Christian higher education.

Diversity Resources

The CCCU launched a dedicated website featuring a database of racial and ethnic diversity resources for the Christian higher education community.

CCCU institutions care deeply about racial justice and racial reconciliation, and the CCCU seeks to support campus efforts to identify how racism has affected and shaped the work of Christian higher education. As we are faced with painful reminders of racism and racial disparity in our country, the CCCU is committed to facilitating ways for campus leaders to do what they do best: educate. The resources featured on this website are intended to assist institutional leaders at Christian colleges and universities in facilitating learning and leading campus conversations.

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Online Education

The CCCU has partnered with the education technology company CampusEDU to provide state-of-the-art online education. CampusEDU works directly with campuses to create online courses and provide them with a suite of tools to connect with and reach this generation of learners. Their innovative platform seeks to transform the online education world by creating a compelling virtual learning environment for students.

“CampusEdu has challenged us to rethink how we reach and teach the next generation of college students.”

—Dr. Stacy Hammons, University Provost and Chief Academic Officer, Indiana Wesleyan University

“As we continue to face the unique challenges of Christ-centered higher education in 2020, coupled by unforeseen circumstances (in this case a pandemic), partnerships that promote flexibility for our students will be paramount. The combination of a discovery tool that will connect us to high school students and the course development that will serve our current students makes this initiative a strategic partnership for us moving forward.”

—Dr. Jewerl Maxwell, Provost, Taylor University

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Online Course Sharing

This innovative consortium enables CCCU institutions to share online courses across a common platform with other institutions that share a Christ-centered mission. Participating institutions can strengthen enrollment by expanding their curriculum and academic offerings with minimal expense, while also improving student retention and degree completion rates. CCCU institutions have the freedom to select which courses from partner institutions are open to their students, who can take these courses as part of their regular semester block as well as during the winter or summer.

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The Anxiety Opportunity - Small Group Course

Anxiety has increasingly become an experience students encounter each day, and the competition between balancing schoolwork, friends, family, jobs and so much more is ever expanding. The CCCU and Redeeming Babel have created a unique opportunity for schools to assist students in encountering Jesus through the growing pressures contributing to anxiety.

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CCCU GlobalEd

CCCU GlobalEd is a collection of faith-integrated, off-campus study programs that foster intellectual, cultural, vocational, and spiritual growth. Our programs transform the way students experience the world and equip them to live out their Christian faith in today’s global society. More than 13,000 students have benefited from our academically rigorous, Christ-centered experiential education programs for the past 40 years.

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Insurance Consortium

CCCU institutions can benefit from economies of scale by participating in the CCCU’s insurance consortium for property and liability insurance, which offers substantial savings for individual institutions. The consortium, underwritten by Sovereign Insurance Group, provides enhanced coverage for general liability, flood, earthquake, business income, sports participant injury, educators legal, employment practice, directors and officers, cyber risk, foreign liability, and more. CCCU institutions who joined the consortium in 2019 have saved between $94,000 and $152,000 annually compared to their 2018 costs. For additional information, please email

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Career Center

Find a job with meaning. More than just a job finding service, the CCCU Career Center connects passionate people with meaningful careers in Christian higher education, church ministry and at faith-based nonprofits.

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Valued Partners

Our Valued Partners Directory highlights organizations and services whose work is relevant to Christian higher education and who can serve as valuable resources for CCCU institutions.

Valued Partners

Tuition Waiver Exchange Program (TWEP)

Our Tuition Waiver Exchange Program (TWEP) is open to dependents of full-time faculty, staff, and/or administrators who have been at the sending institution for one full year prior to TWEP participation or according to guidelines defined by each of the participating CCCU institutions. Participating institutions must be based in the United States and be regionally accredited, four-year undergraduate institutions. Each participating college agrees to accept at least one new student (with a recommendation of three) from other participating institutions. Students admitted under the program are automatically renewed for up to four years as long as the student remains in good standing with the receiving institution and at least one parent remains a full-time employee of a participating institution.

See Participating Institutions

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The Cost

Each participating member institution is obligated to accept at least one new incoming student (with a recommendation of three incoming students per year) from other participating institutions and to provide full educational benefits with a waiver of the institution’s regular tuition. Assuming that a participating college admitted three students each year under this program and experienced no attrition, the maximum “investment” would be the tuition remission of twelve students in any one year.

The Benefits

In addition to the opportunity for faculty members, staff, and administrators to send dependents to other participating colleges and universities, other benefits include financial considerations. For instance, if space is available in the dormitories, the program probably generates room income that otherwise would not be earned. Student fees other than tuition would be assessed to incoming students. In addition, given that most incoming students would be coming from moderate income families which already have tuition remission plans at their home institutions, it is unlikely that they would have been full-tuition paying students to the receiving institution.

If a participating institution receives a large number of applications for its designated slots and must make choices among them, that institution is granted the privilege of selecting, on the basis of standard admissions criteria or other institution-determined criteria, which applicants to accept. Accordingly, the program could have a positive impact on the academic character of the student body, as well as potentially adding to its diversity.

General Procedures

The CCCU’s Tuition Waiver Exchange Program is open to undergraduate dependents of full-time faculty, staff and/or administrators who have been at the sending institution for one full year prior to TWEP participation, or according to guidelines defined by each of the participating CCCU institutions. Each participating college agrees to accept at least one (with a recommendation of three) new student from other participating institutions. Students admitted under the program are automatically renewed for up to four years as long as the student remains in good standing with the receiving institution and at least one parent remains a full-time employee of a participating member institution. Once a student is accepted into the program, there is no need for the student to reapply for the program. Participating students are charged normal fees for room, board, student fees, and customary fees other than tuition. In general, the receiving school treats the incoming student with regard to tuition waiver in the same way it treats dependents of its own employees.

Each participating institution is welcome to advertise and promote its own program among other participating institutions to the extent that it wishes to do so. Unless otherwise notified, the CCCU assumes that participation will continue through the academic year. Changes on the list of participating institutions will be made every year for a commitment to students for the four years of their education. The program is a benefit of membership in the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities. No fees are charged for involvement.

The CCCU office serves as the coordinating agency for this Tuition Waiver Exchange Program, making available the list of participating schools (see list above). The basic transactions will be handled between participating colleges through their admissions offices, offices of the chief academic officers, and the designated “Contact Person” on each campus. A simple application form is provided to participating institutions to expedite that approval process between participating institutions.

Summary – Agreement and Procedures

  • Applicant students apply directly to the institution(s) of their choice and must meet normal admissions requirements in order to be considered for the CCCU’s Tuition Waiver Exchange Program. Due to the limited space for TWEP students, applications should be submitted as early as possible.
  • Only dependents of full-time faculty, staff, and administrators are eligible for involvement in the program. One full year of employment is required prior to TWEP participation.
    Applicants should communicate their interest to the Contact Person at the “sending institution.” That Contact Person completes a TWEP application form. Copies of the form are sent to the Contact Person at the “receiving institution,” where it is given consideration once the student has been accepted for admission.
  • Students granted a tuition waiver under the CCCU program are to be automatically renewed for up to four years as long as the student remains in good standing with the receiving institution and at least one parent remains a full-time employee of a participating member institution.
  • Applicants are encouraged to seek outside financial aid in addition to applying for the Tuition Waiver Exchange Program. All such financial aid awards are to be carried to the receiving institution, which should establish policies dealing with specific financial aid awards.
  • The receiving college’s financial commitment to students involved in this program is limited to tuition. All non-tuition charges (e.g., room, fees, and board) are the responsibility of the student.
    The Admissions Office of the receiving institution informs applicants of their admissibility; the Contact Person informs applicants of their acceptance or rejection regarding the requested tuition waiver.
  • The CCCU’s board of directors encourages participating TWEP colleges and universities to extend the opportunity of participation in TWEP to dependents of full-time Council employees who have been employed by the CCCU for more than one year.

For more information, contact

Networking Communities

We believe that a key to success in any role on a Christian college campus is the ability to connect with peers in similar roles at other campuses who can offer support and answer questions as needed. To that end, we’ve created a collection of Networking Groups, available to employees at CCCU institutions. Each group connects individuals in the same position from multiple CCCU campuses so that they can ask questions specific to their field, share new resources, and collaborate on new projects. Click here for more details on how to join or participate in a CCCU networking group.

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  • Alumni Professionals
  • Athletic Directors
  • Assessment
  • Campus Ministry Directors
  • Campus Presidents
  • Career Services Professionals
  • Chief Academic Officers
  • Chief Enrollment Officers
  • Chief Financial Officers
  • Chief Institutional Advancement Officers
  • Chief Student Development Officers
  • Communications Faculty
  • Degree Completion
  • Diversity
  • Executive Assistants
  • Grant & Research Support
  • Faculty Development
  • Financial Aid Administrators
  • Honors
  • Human Resources
  • International Affiliates
  • Leadership Development Institute Alumni
  • Legal & Public Policy
  • Librarians
  • Off-Campus Studies Coordinators
  • Online, Adult and Graduate Program Administrators
  • Prison Education
  • Public Relations & Communication Officers
  • STEM Leaders
  • Student Life
  • Technology
  • Title IX
  • Webmasters

Members may occasionally use Networking Communities for announcements of noncommercial publications and other resources of general interest to other subscribers. The subject line should clearly identify the topic of the message; the message body should be kept short and should contain contact information for more details. The appropriate medium for announcements of conferences and events is through the Conferences & Events web site. Contact Conference Services at for details.

Endorsements and Advertising
Endorsements are acceptable if made in the context of a request for information or sharing of an experience. Please note that unsolicited commercial communications to Networking Communities violate the endorsement and advertising provisions of these guidelines and may result in the loss of access to the Networking Community in question.

Job Postings
The CCCU maintains a Career Center web resource to which members may post job openings; all interested parties are welcome to browse the listings. Job postings should not be posted to the Networking Communities.

Informal professional opinion or use surveys are acceptable but should be brief and should encourage off-line responses. In keeping with the educational spirit of the group, you are encouraged to share a synopsis of any information you gather.

Common Sense Rules
Queries and dialogue should be focused on topics associated with higher education, conducted in a courteous, professional tone. The opinions expressed in list discussions are those of individual subscribers and are not necessarily those of their institutions. The CCCU is not responsible for the opinions expressed on any of the discussion lists it supports. Subscribers who operate outside of these guidelines will receive a cautionary notice from the CCCU. Individuals who continue to disregard and violate the guidelines may be blocked from subsequent participation.

For more information about CCCU Networking Communities, please contact us at

Doctoral Education Council

Doctoral education is growing in the CCCU. At least forty CCCU member schools now offer at least one doctoral program, and within these schools, there are over ninety doctoral programs offered. Many program directors, however, find challenges in helping their institutions understand the unique nature and needs of doctoral-level education. In September, 2015, the first CCCU doctoral education forum, “Doctoral Programs in the CCCU: Conversation and Collaboration,” was held at Azusa Pacific University. The event was developed by doctoral program directors from three CCCU member schools (APU, Biola, and Trinity International). Those who attended expressed strong support for seeing the interaction continue, both through future forums and resource sharing. This support led to the creation of the CCCU Doctoral Education Council.

For more information and resources, please visit the doctoral education Resource Portal.

Council for Library Leadership

The purpose of the Council for Library Leadership is to foster the development of strong libraries and library leadership in the CCCU by promoting collaboration among library leaders, provosts and vice presidents of academic affairs, faculty and other stakeholders in the work of libraries.

For more information and resources, please visit the library Resource Portal.

Research Initiatives

The CCCU provides a unified collection of data to provide an overview of the organization and its institutions. This data will continue to grow in scope and distinction with the yearly addition of data and reports from the Collaborative Assessment Project (CAP).

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Leadership Initiatives & Institutes

We offer a number of professional development opportunities for faculty and staff on CCCU campuses, including a variety of leadership development programs, the New Faculty Institute, New Presidents Institute, Governance Institute, Council for Collaboration in Doctoral Education, and Council for Library Leadership.

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Campus & Faculty Grants

As a valuable member service, we offer a wide variety of grant opportunities for CCCU campuses and faculty members.

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For Trustees

Foundational to every CCCU institution are the leaders who serve as trustees of the institution. These leaders are entrusted with ensuring their institution fulfills its Christ-centered mission within its context. We provide a number of resources to equip and empower these leaders as they guide the future of Christian colleges and universities around the world.

This three-day summer program in a retreat-like setting provides an opportunity for CCCU presidents and their board chairs to learn together, alongside peers from a number of other institutions, about best practices in governance specifically for Christian colleges and universities. The program allows the president and board chair to learn good governance principles, to understand the unique yet complimentary roles each plays in the continued health of their institution, to deepen their personal relationship so they can work together well, and to develop specific ideas for follow-up when they return home.

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We provide consultation to boards on a wide variety of topics on an as-needed basis.

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We can provide counsel and assistance to boards on those rare occasions when internal board conflicts develop that have led or may lead to board dysfunction.

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This conference, which occurs every four years, highlights the most important issues to Christian higher education. This is an effective way for trustees to study a broad range of topics relevant to Christian higher education, to connect with other trustees, and to be spiritually encouraged. Trustees who attend the Forum should leave with a strong understanding of the challenges an opportunities their institution faces and should be better equipped to provide institutional leadership

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For Presidents

At the helm of every Christian college campus is a president who must be prepared to lead with vision and address issues that arise in any number of areas, including admissions, advancement, student life, academic affairs, finance and administration, athletics, public relations, and legislative matters, both local and national, that impact the daily operations of the campus. We provide resources to train presidents in these areas, as well as empower them to connect with their peer leaders so that they can have a network of support and encouragement.

This three-day program provides an excellent orientation to newly elected presidents or those serving in interim presidential roles.

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Our Presidents Conference is held annually (except for every fourth year, when we conduct our quadrennial International Forum) in Washington, D.C. The conference is traditionally held at the end of January or beginning of February, just prior to the annual meeting of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU). The program addresses topics and issues of contemporary significance to our member presidents.

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We provide counsel and advice on a wide range of topics on an as-needed basis.

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