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CCCU Statement on Respect for Marriage Act
November 29, 2022
As the leading national voice for Christian higher education, the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) advocates for the right of each of our institutions to practice their sincerely held religious beliefs. The CCCU defines and advocates for marriage between a man and a woman, as clearly stated in the Bible. While we do not support the Respect for Marriage Act, we are grateful and blessed to work with senators who understand the importance of religious liberty in the faith-filled tradition and practice of Christian higher education.
Senators Collins, Baldwin, Tillis, Sinema and Portman, formed a bipartisan group to create a robust religious liberty amendment. The inclusion of this amendment ensures with new clarity that faith-based institutions can continue to live their Christian missions with less fear of discrimination. It also provides explicit Congressional support for the truth that traditional marriage supporters and their beliefs are decent and honorable. For more information on the amendment and its significant religious liberty protections, see the FAQs from the First Amendment Partnership.
Some supporters of religious liberty language wish even more religious protections were included. So do we. We will not stop advocating for strong and robust religious freedom protections as a bipartisan legislative compromise is reached.
The Respect for Marriage Act as amended in the Senate passed the House of Representatives on Thursday, December 8, 2022, with a vote of 258-169.
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